Monday, 7 March 2011

Positive And Negative Space

This Was a simple exercise we done in class to demonstrate how negative and positive space work.

Monday, 31 January 2011


This is a example of a urban symbol this particular symbol does not have a specific meaning because there are a lot of different meanings than the typical danger meaning here are some examples.


This is a very clear and meaningful urban index example, this is a symbol representing loud music which is really urban because you would probably catch a younger person listening to loud music than a more elderly person, the person who made this icon thought it out well because of the type of speaker background color and textures used.  


this is a perfect example of a urban icon this icon is of a plus one person at a club/ party i feel this is a very good representation of a urban icon because its mostly young adults that are in their late teens that this would apply to mostly.
This is probably the most famous icon in the world at the moment this is the facebook icon which is representing the most used by the urban genre than any other genre in the world.


This is a image of a little ninja which i created out of simple shapes and using only the pen tool.

Monday, 24 January 2011


This is a task we was set in class to basically use different shades of color to create depth between objects.


This is a task we was set in lesson to convey a attacker and victim in a bird and human form to create tension and conflict.


This is an exercise we was set in lesson to show a understanding of the different colors and which colors come from and go into each color this is also a good reference for when i am producing animations cartoons etc.